Membership Roster 2025
The following businesses and organizations are members of the Greensburg Business & Professional Association for the calendar year of 2025. We are pleased to have them partner with us to grow their businesses and the City of Greensburg.
Member Business – Owner/Representative
- Abra McClure Kuniak Counseling & Consulting LLC - Abra E Kuniak
- Artisans of Hands & Heart- Helen Keegan-Geroux
- Beeghly & Co. Jewelers - Amy Beeghly
- CCA Solutions - Nelson Mayer
- Central Westmoreland Habitat for Humanity - Courtney Guerrieri
- City of Greensburg - Alec Italiano
- Crossroads Boutique & Captiva - Carol Gaffey
- Duane Ponko CPA - Duane Ponko
- Graham Insurance - Jim Graham
- Greensburg YMCA - Debby King
- Mancuso's Shoe Repair - Bev Mancuco
- McFeely's Gourmet Chocolate - Marion McFeely
- Nico Bakery & Café - Nicolas Grunewald
- Retired - Barbara Ferrier
- Sharon's Cookies - Sharon & Michael Seiler
- Stellina Shoes - Emily Smarto
- Steward Law. LLC - Christina Dubosky
- Stifel Financial - Michael Dubosky
- Westmoreland Performing Arts - Tony Marino