Shop, Dine, Discover
the Heart of Greensburg

GBPA is a non – profit corporation striv ing to promote Greensburg businesses, their products, and their services.
Greensburg Business Directory
Become a part of the GBPA online directory of downtown Greensburg businesses.
- Businesses (90)
- General (0)
- Organizations (6)
- Professionals (5)
- Restaurants (15)

Greensburg Tote Bags
In stock
Upcoming Events
Sponsoring events that draw visitors to the City of Greensburg and builds goodwill within the community are important goals for our organization. We invite you to join us in supporting our local businesses and having fun at the same time!
See our Events page for more information on our upcoming events.
NEXT UP: Your ticket to love, adventure, and local treasures!
A Look At Past GBPA Events
Current Promotions
Striving to promote Greensburg businesses, their products and services are central to our mission.
Your support is appreciated!

It Pays to SHOP Downtown!” Launches on Small Business Saturday
On November 30, 2024, GBPA (Shop Greensburg) proudly kicks off its annual initiative to support local businesses. Participating shops will receive coin envelopes with 50 cents inside to thank customers for shopping and encourage them to explore Downtown Greensburg.
2024 Title Sponsor
We are thrilled to announce that Scott Electric has returned as our 2024 Title Sponsor!
Scott Electric is one of the largest independent electrical distributors in the United States with a customer base of electrical, mechanical, general contractors, industry, government agencies, municipalities, retail hardware, and building supply markets.
Special Thanks to Our 2024 Sponsors
We hope you will join us!
We invite you to join our mission! Our meetings take place twice each month. The monthly business meeting is the second Tuesday. We meet at 5:15 p.m. at McFeely’s Gourmet Chocolate, 100 S. Pennsylvania Avenue. Our plannng meeting is the fourth Tuesday of each month. We meet at 8:15 a.m. at Greensburg’s City Hall, 416 South Main Street in Council Chambers on the second floor. Learn what is happening, share your thoughts, grow your business with the help of your neighbors! Hope to see you soon!
Have more questions? GET IN TOUCH! Please email us below. We’ll get back to you shortly!